More about the authors and their publications.

O. Sami Saydjari Lecturer – Dartmouth University
- Interviewed on TAG Cyber
- Published the book: Engineering Trustworthy Systems
- Washington moves to classify cyber-attacks as acts of war – Sami is quoted in this May 2011 article in The Guardian
- O. Sami Saydjari | Weak spots on cyberdefense – An interview with Sami on GCN in September 2006
- An interview with Sami for Frontline in February 2003
- A Tale of Three Cyber-Defense Workshops. IEEE Security and Privacy Magazine, January 2010
- Structuring for Strategic Cyber Defense: A Cyber Manhattan Project Blueprint. Sami’s keynote at the 2008 Annual Computer Security Applications Conference
- Assurance Cases for Security: The Metrics Challenge. 37th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks: conference paper, July 2007
- Mission Oriented Risk and Design Analysis of Critical Information Systems. Military Operations Research, March 2005
- Multilevel Security: Reprise. IEEE Security and Privacy Magazine, October 2004
- Cyber Defense: Art to Science. Communications of the ACM, March 2004
- An Integrated Cyber Panel System. DARPA Information Survivability Conference and Exposition: conference paper, May 2003
- Toward a Secure System Engineering Methodology. Workshop on New Security Paradigms: conference paper, January 1998
- LOCK Trak: Navigating Uncharted Space. IEEE Security and Privacy Magazine, May 1989

Rami Saydjari, MD, FACS, MBA
- Interviewed on Perspectives in Healthcare: Website Podcast YouTube
- Adds MBA to credentials
- Quoted in Medical Economics
- “Lafayette Hospitals Practice for Next Disaster.” Journal & Courier 2012: n. pag.
- “Keep More of Your Practice Income.” Vol. 84. United States: MultiMedia Healthcare Inc, 2007.
- “Web-Savvy Docs Tell Us Where to Go: Here Are the Medical Web Sites Doctors Find Most Valuable, and the Best Ways to Use Them”. Vol. 81. MJH Life Sciences Media, 2004.
- “What’s Eating Your Profits? Chances Are, Your Overhead Is. But You Can Slash Spending without Laying off Staff.” (Cover Story). Vol. 81. MJH Life Sciences Media, 2004.
- “Malpractice: How Fear Changes Practice: As Liability Payouts Rise, Physicians Are Ordering More Tests and Making More Referrals–Often against Their Better Judgment.” Vol. 82. MJH Life Sciences Media, 2005.
- “Organized Medicine’s New Turf: E-Services.” Vol. 78. United States: MJH Life Sciences Media, 2001.
- “Challenges of Large Groups: Making Better Business Decisions.” Vol. 85. Monmouth Junction: MultiMedia Healthcare Inc, 2008.

Maria Maldonado, MD, FACP
- Elected to: the Internal Medicine Council
- Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine (AAIM) Diversity Award, October 2015
- Association of Program Directors of Internal Medicine (APDIM) Member Spotlight Series: 2014 Leader in Diversity in Residency Education
- “Fashion from the Heart” Award given by The Stamford Hospital and the Fairfield County Chapter of the Links, Inc. on March 2010 in recognition of commitment to closing healthcare disparities.
- Maria Maldonado, M.D., F.A.C.P., “The Intersection of Medical Education and Healthcare Access for Undocumented Immigrants,” Undocumented Patients web site (Garrison, NY: The Hastings Center), last updated: October 16, 2012.
- Maldonado M. Warning Shot, JAMA. 2012;308(24):2575-2576.
- Maldonado M. In the safety net: a tale of ticking clocks and tricky diagnoses. Health Affairs 2013; 32(8):1501-1504.
- Maldonado M. Letters: On being a doctor: Leaving is not the answer. Ann Int Med 2013; 158(11):849-50.
- Maldonado ME, DuBose TD, Nelson C. Role of graduate medical education in addressing health care disparities: A multi-pronged approach is needed. Academic Internal Medicine Insight. 2013;11(4):10-11.
- Maldonado, M, Fried E, DuBose T, Nelson C, Breida M. The Role that graduate medical education must play in ensuring health equity and eliminating health care disparities. Annals American Thoracic Society 2014; 11(4):603-607.
- Cardinal L, Maldonado M, Fried E. A National survey to evaluate graduate medical education in disparities and limited English proficiency: A Report from the AAIM Diversity and Inclusion Committee, American Journal of Medicine 2016; 129(1):117-125.
- Maldonado M. Hiding in plain sight. Connecticut Medicine 2017; 81(7): 435-437.
- Maldonado M. Is This How It’s Supposed To Be? Annals of Internal Medicine 2018; 169(5):347-8.
- Maldonado M. Of course you want to die. Perm J 2020;24:19.096. DOI:
- Contributing Author to: Narrative Matters: Writing to Change the Health Care System, Second Edition, edited by Jessica Bylander, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2020, Chapter: In the Safety Net: A Tale of Ticking Clocks and Tricky Diagnoses.
- Dupras DM, Wieland ML, Halvorsen AJ, Maldonado M, Willett LL, Harris L. Assessment of training in health disparities in US Internal Medicine Residency Programs. JAMA Network Open. 2020;3(8):e2012757. Doi:10:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.202012757.
- Sotto-Santiago S, Mac J, Slaven J, Maldonado M. A Survey of internal medicine residents: their learning environments, bias & discrimination experiences, and their support structures. Advances in Medical Education and Practice. 2021/12:697-703.
- Maldonado, M., Farouk, S., Campbell, K. and Thomas, D., 2021. Development, Implementation and Evaluation of a Limited English Proficiency Curriculum. Journal of Scientific Innovation in Medicine, 4(2), p.30. DOI: